- I have noticed that the more relaxed I am, the closer I approach truth and happiness. It is common for the modern man to pursuit trivial goals that cannot lead to bliss. Relaxation can tremendously help someone distinguish between what matters more and what is not so important in life. Ιf you are absorbed in the rat race, you can easily misinterpret reality and regard unimportant matters as highly important for your well-being, happiness, and personal development. You might believe, for example, that this particular car or this particular woman should be your priority in life and that when you manage to buy the car or have this woman, then you will be happy. Reality will easily disappoint such futile hopes. Hence, it is easily understood that there is no reason for competing with other people in fields that are of secondary importance to you.

- Serenity is a health requirement. It is a well-known fact that relaxing can help you protect your heart and that stress is related to high blood pressure and other serious heart problems that could even lead to heart attacks. Moreover, relaxed people have fewer possibilities of dying of a stroke, and the ability to keep a calm mind can protect you from depression. This is of paramount importance since the prolonged presence of the stress hormone, cortisol, can reduce levels of serotonin and dopamine which are linked to motivation and happiness.
- It is very good for someone to have the attitude that almost everything can be achieved if he or she is blissful. This is not to be taken literary of course as it is obvious that in order to achieve your goals several conditions must be met. Nevertheless, it is true that when you are relaxed and feel something stable inside, the possibility to make better decisions increases. Stress can severely cloud our judgment when we have to decide something in a short period of time. It is often more important to avoid negative thinking and remain calm than solving a problem or achieving a goal.

- Live in the here and now. Although this phrase has been enormously misused by a lot of New Age enthusiasts around the world, it is not easily disputable that the present moment is all that we have. We can live neither in the past nor in the future. This is the limitation of our physiology. For this reason, it is wise and at the same time difficult to try to work with what we have in the present moment. People who live every moment of their life tend to be more relaxed and it is easier for them to cope with stressful situations. We should try to concentrate on the activity that we undertake every moment and understand that one of the primary goals of each activity is to enjoy this activity. But take into consideration that enjoyment is, by no means, the only reason for doing something. This is a notion that confuses many people in modern societies that encourage instant gratification and the belief that anyone deserves everything. Having said that, it should also be mentioned that our thoughts should not be considered an annoyance. If we want to correct something, then it is better to talk softly to ourselves. When you feel overwhelmed by stressful thoughts, bring softly and gently your mind back to the present moment instead of yelling at yourself.

- It is wise to focus on wherever we want, not where other people want us to focus. Even if other people around you are negative or delusional, continue to feel relaxed and happy. Try to stay unaffected by other people’s thoughts. I have to highlight that I am not talking only about negativity here. Being delusional can have the same and sometimes a greater impact on someone. Moreover, nowadays a lot of people try to fight negativity by being delusional. This is not to be encouraged, of course, as it cannot help someone in the long term.