Tag - travel tips

Budapest: a brief travel guide

Budapest is the capital of Hungary. It is a combination of Buda-Pest, the two parts of a city with the Danube cutting them apart or connecting them. The central area around the river is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among the historical buildings, the financial centers, and the 40 universities, Budapest accommodates the third largest Parliament building...

Kuala Lumpur: a brief travel guide

Kuala Lumpur is the national capital and the largest city of Malaysia. It has 1.73 million citizens and it is among the fastest-growing metropolitan regions in Southeast Asia. As a capital, it is the financial, economic and cultural center of Malaysia, home to the government and the Malaysia King. It has undergone rapid development the past decades, being proudly the...

Bratislava: a brief travel guide

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and lies in the center of Europe. It is full of university and college students, so it is really alive and cheap. Bratislava combines the medieval old town, with baroque palaces, the Castle, communist blocks and the futurist bridge. It is a small capital built around the rivers Danube and Morava, but it is the third richest in...

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